Power Pod FAQs

Laurin Thompke Updated by Laurin Thompke

Everything you need to know about the Power Pod

Power Pod User Manual

What are the dimensions of the Power Pod?

3.5 x 2.5 x 1/2 inches

What is the weight of the Power Pod?


What is the mAh?


What is the wireless charger output?

15W Max - 5W/7.5W/10W/15W

Is the Power Pod only for iPhones?

No. The Power Pods are essentially just wireless chargers with built in MagSafe magnets, so they will charge any device that is wireless charging compatible. They can still charge devices that do not have wireless charging functionality via a USB-C cord. They can be connected to the device through a cord and basically become a normal portable charger. If your phone or case is not MagSafe compatible, the built-in magnet function will not work without adding the magnet ring (included with each Power Pod) to the back of your case or phone.

For more information, watch this video: Are Power Pods only for iPhones?

What cases do the Power Pods work with?

The Power Pods will attach to and charge through any case that is MagSafe compatible and will charge through any case that is wireless charging compatible. We include an Adhesive Magnetic Ring that attaches to any non-MagSafe case or device and will turn it into a MagSafe compatible accessory. Our Classic + MagSafe and Bold + MagSafe cases for the iPhone 12, 13, 14, & 15s are currently the only MagSafe compatible cases and will work with the Power Pods without the Adhesive Magnetic Ring that we offer.

For more information, watch this video: What cases do the Power Pods work with?

Does the Power Pod only work with MagSafe?

Nope! They are built for MagSafe, but can be used as a normal wireless charger or portable charger.

For more information, watch this video: What is MagSafe?

What do I need the Adhesive Magnetic Ring for?

The Adhesive Magnetic Ring is for turning any case or phone into a MagSafe compatible accessory or device. The ring is not needed if you have a MagSafe compatible case or phone.

Where do I attach the Adhesive Magnetic Ring?

The Adhesive Magnetic Ring can be attached directly to the back of the phone or outside of the case. The magnetic ring will not work through a case, so if you are wanting to use a case with the Power Pod it will need to be on the outside of the non-MagSafe case.

For more information, watch this video: How to place the Adhesive Magnetic Ring

How long does the Power Pod take to charge?

The Power Pod will typically take about 2-3 hours to fully charge, depending on the type of charger you are using.

How long does it take to charge the phone?

The Power Pod can take 3-4 hours to fully charge the phone depending on the battery level of both devices. We recommend limiting how much you use your phone during charging to get the most out of your Power Pod. For example, if you are charging your phone with the Power Pod but you are also streaming a movie or listening to music, your phone is simultaneously using the battery that the Power Pod is adding to your phone.

How many charges can you get out of the Power Pod?

The Power Pods are intended for quick, on-the-go charging! There are many factors that contribute to how much charge you can get out of the device. We recommend limiting how much you use your phone during charging to get the most out of your Power Pod. For example, if you are charging your phone with the Power Pod but you are also streaming a movie or listening to music, your phone is simultaneously using the battery that the Power Pod is adding to your phone.

What is Optimized Battery Charging & how can this affect the Power Pod? Health & Optimized Battery Charging is an Apple iOS feature in the newer phones where your phone will track your usage habit and will delay charging past 80% power when the iPhone is routinely not used during certain times of the day, for example: when you are sleeping and charging your phone overnight. This is called Optimized Battery Charging. This feature is automatically turned on in your settings. Note: Please do not use the Power Pod to charge your phone overnight.

If you see your phone battery is hovering around 80% while charging, this setting could be the reason. The phone drastically decreases the amount of power it's taking from the device, but the Power Pod will still put out the same amount of charge causing the battery to drain faster than it would normally.

Can you charge both the phone and Power Pod simultaneously?

Yes. If you are using the Power Pod as a wireless charger, you can plug it in to charge via cord and turn it on to charge the phone.

Will the Power Pod get warm when charging?

The Power Pod may heat up during charging, which is very normal. Just like any wireless charger, MagSafe charger, and computers, it is normal to become warm when a battery is in use. We recommend keeping it out of extreme heat and limiting phone use when charging.

Does a Power Pod charge an Apple Watch?

No, an Apple Watch is not able to be charged with our Power Pods.

How do I turn on/off my Power Pod?

To turn the Power Pod on, simply click the power button once and the four white lights will come on as well as the red light. The red light will turn green when the Power Pod is connected to a device and has begun charging. To turn the Power Pod off, simply click the power button twice. Please note, if you hold down the power button for longer than a second, the Power Pod will not react and no lights will come on.

For more information, watch this video: How to power-on, power-off, & recharge your Power Pod

Having trouble with your Power Pod?

For more information, watch this video: Power Pod: Do's and Don'ts

To see all videos linked above, click here.



Read all instructions and warning prior to using this product. Improper use of this product may result in product damage, excess heat, toxic fumes, fire or explosion, for which damages you ("Purchaser"), and neither Casely, Inc. nor Manufacturer, are responsible.

  • Do not use device in high-temperature environment, including heat caused by intense sunlight or other forms or heat. Do not place device in fire or other excessively hot environments. Exposure to fire or temperature above 212°F (100°C) may cause explosion.
  • Do not expose the Power Pod to rain or snow.
  • Do not use the Power Pod in excess of its output rating. Overloading outputs above rating may result in a risk of fire or injury to persons.
  • Do not disassemble this product or attempt to re-purpose or modify it in any manner.
  • For questions or instructions for the various ways to charge this device, refer to the user manual.
  • Use of a power supply or charger not recommended or sold my Casely, Inc. may result in a risk of fire or injury to persons.
  • If this device is accessible to or may be used by a minor, purchasing adult agrees to be solely responsible for providing supervision, instruction, and warnings. Purchaser agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Casely, Inc. and Manufacturer harmless for any claims or damages arising from unintended use or misuse by a minor.
  • All products have gone through a thorough quality assurance inspection. If you find that your device is excessively hot, is emitting odor, is deformed, abraded, cut, or is experiencing or demonstrating an abnormal phenomenon, immediately stop all product use and contact Casely, Inc.

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Power Pod Max
